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            "*": "Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes."
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        "pages": {
            "43268": {
                "pageid": 43268,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Real Varna and Asrama",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "[[Category:In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life]]\n<div style=\"float:left\">[[File:Go-previous.png|link=In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life]] '''[[In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life]]</div>\n<div style=\"float:right\">[[File:Go-previous.png|link=Perverted Castes]] '''[[Perverted Castes]] - [[Varna and Asrama Rejected]]''' [[File:Go-next.png|link=Varna and Asrama Rejected]]</div>\n{{RandomImage}}\n\n\nThe varnasrama system, originated by the Personality of Godhead, is spiritually significant because when all the varnas and asramas cooperate, society facilitates deliverance from the clutches of maya or illusion. This is done by all varnas and asramas carrying out the plan of Godhead. The brahmana is considered the mouth of the virat-purusa (the cosmophysical feature of the Personality of Godhead). The ksatriyas are the arms, the vaisyas are the stomach, and the sudras are the legs. The functioning of the mouth is recognized by sound. Therefore, the function of the brahmanas or sannyasis is to transmit the transcendental sound of the Vedas so that every human being can know what is what in relation to the Supreme. By transmission of transcendental sound, human beings will know their actual identities as superior in nature to matter. Thus they will know their eternal relationship with Godhead. Knowing this, they will be engaged in carrying out the plan of Godhead, instead of serving the deluding energy with a false notion of lording it over her. Carrying out the plan of Godhead will help the conditioned soul get out of the clutches of the deluding energy and enter into the kingdom of God for an eternal life of bliss and knowledge. \n\nEvery living being is struggling in this material world for eternal life, knowledge, and bliss, but is bewildered by the deluding energy. The plan of Godhead is so designed that in the human form of life one can get out of the entanglement of material existence. Because the ksatriyas are the arms of the virat-purusa, it is their duty to protect the whole body and cooperate with the mouth, stomach, and legs. The system of varnasrama is a spiritual plan of cooperation for mutual benefit, and therefore it is essential that it be maintained in its original dignity. As it stands now, it is perverted and diseased.\n\nThe so-called brahmanas have become detached from the body of the virat-purusa because they do not transmit the transcendental sounds of the Vedas. A head that is cut off from the body certainly cannot produce any sound. Such a dead head, although called a brahmana, has no real value as a head. Similarly, those brahmanas who simply claim to be so by a custom of hereditary right also have no value as brahmanas, because they have no power to function as the mouth of Godhead. In the same manner, whoever fails to carry out the plan of Godhead as part and parcel of the virat-purusa must be considered fallen and detached from his position. Such separated parts are of no value as mouths, arms, stomachs, or legs."
            "43307": {
                "pageid": 43307,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Real Wealth",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "[[Category:In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life]]\n<div style=\"float:left\">[[File:Go-previous.png|link=In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life]] '''[[In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life]]</div>\n<div style=\"float:right\">[[File:Go-previous.png|link=Follow Srila Rupa Goswami]] '''[[Follow Srila Rupa Goswami]] - [[Enlightening the Heart]]''' [[File:Go-next.png|link=Enlightening the Heart]]</div>\n{{RandomImage}}\n\n\nThe general masses who are driven by the dictates of the mind for material enjoyment, desire to accumulate more and more wealth, which is the medium for obtaining their sense gratification. However, by pure transcendental intellect, one can objectively assess the value of material wealth and see that there is no wealth that can be compared with the value of love for Radha and Krsna. Here are some quotations in support of the above conception from the sastra:\n\n:kim alabhyam bhagavati\n:prasanne sri-niketane\n:tathapi tat-para rajan\n:na hi vanchanti kincana\n\n\"Although everything is available for devotees of the Personality of Godhead, they do not desire anything for their own sense enjoyment.\" ([[SB 10.39.2|Bhag. 10.39.2]])\n\n:mam anaradhya duhkhartah \n:kutumbasakta-manasah\n:sat-sanga-rahito martyo \n:vrddha-seva-paricyutah\n\n\"Conditioned souls are always unhappy in their attachment for relatives as they do not worship Me and are thus bereft of the association of pure devotees and service unto Me.\"\n\n:sva-jivanadhikam prarthyam\n:sri-visnu-jana-sangatah\n:vicchedena ksanam catra\n:na sukhamsam labhamahe\n\n\"The association of the devotees of Visnu is worth more than my life, because being detached from such association for a moment, I do not feel even the slightest trace of happiness.\" (Brhad-bhagavatamrta 1.5.44)\n\n:muktanam api siddhanam\n:narayana-parayanah\n:sudurlabhah prasantatma\n:kotisv api mahamune\n\n\"Out of millions of great sages who are liberated souls, it is very difficult to find a sober devotee of Lord Narayana.\" ([[SB 6.14.5|Bhag. 6.14.5]])\n\n:anugrahaya bhutanam\n:manusam deham asthitah\n:bhajate tadrsih krida\n:yah srutva tat-paro bhavet\n\n\"The Personality of Godhead, in order to bestow mercy upon His devotees, appears on this earth and manifests His pastimes so that the devotees may be attracted to Him and His pastimes.\" ([[SB 10.33.36|Bhag. 10.33.36]])\n\n:ata atyantikam ksemam\n:prcchamo bhavato 'naghah\n:samsare 'smin ksanardho 'pi\n:sat-sangah sevadhir nrnam\n\n\"O most auspicious one, I am asking You for the highest benediction. I wish to have the association of Your pure devotees because the association of Your devotees for even a moment is the most valuable gain in this world.\" ([[SB 11.2.28|Bhag. 11.2.28]])\n\n:tasmat sarvatmana rajan\n:harih sarvatra sarvada\n:srotavyah kirtitavyas ca\n:smartavyo bhagavan nrnam\n\n\"O King, the Personality of Godhead Hari is to be heard, glorified, and remembered by all human beings at all times, in all places, and in all circumstances.\" ([[SB 2.2.36|Bhag. 2.2.36]])\n\n:tasmad ekena manasa\n:bhagavan satvatam patih\n:srotavyah kirtitavyas ca\n:dhyeyah pujyas ca nityada\n\n\"The Personality of Godhead, who is the sustainer of the pure devotees, is to be heard and glorified, worshiped and meditated upon with rapt attention at all times.\" ([[SB 1.2.14|Bhag. 1.2.14]])\n\n:asam aho carana-renu-jusam aham syam\n:vrndavane kim api gulma-latausadhinam\n:ya dustyajam svajanam arya-patham ca hitva \n:bhejur mukunda-padavim srutibhir vimrgyam\n\n\"My desire is to become a blade of grass or a creeper that grows in the forest of Vraja. In that way, it will be possible for me to receive the dust of the feet of those great personalities who have worshiped the lotus feet of the great liberator, Mukunda. The dust of the feet of these great personalities is sought after even by the srutis. Leaving aside the affection of their own kith and kin, which is ordinarily impossible to give up, the gopis of Vraja have sacrificed everything for the satisfaction of Sri Krsna.\" ([[SB 10.47.61|Bhag. 10.47.61]])\n\n:vikriditam vraja-vadhubhir idam ca visnoh\n:sraddanvito 'nusrnuyad atha varnayed yah\n:bhaktim param bhagavati pratilabhya kamam\n:hrd-rogam asv apahinoty acirena dhirah\n\n\"A person who with a reverential attitude hears the transcendental pastimes of Sri Krsna with the damsels of Vraja from the mouth of a pure devotee and then describes those pastimes accordingly, achieves the supramundane loving service of Godhead within no time and thereby drives away mundane lusty desires for sense gratification from his heart.\" ([[SB 10.33.39|Bhag. 10.33.39]])\n\n:etavan eva loke 'smin\n:pumsam dharmah parah smrtah\n:bhakti-yogo bhagavati\n:tan-nama-grahanadibhih\n\n\"The highest duty of every human being in this world is to be engaged in the loving service of the Personality of Godhead and to chant His Holy Name.\" ([[SB 6.3.22|Bhag. 6.3.22]]) \n\nDry, speculative knowledge is compared to the bitter fruits of the Nim tree. This fruit is unworthy of human consumption but is quite suitable for those persons who, like the crows, are situated in a rough, argumentative way of life. Their dry philosophical speculations sound like the crowing of crows.\n\nOn the other hand, the newly-bloomed buds of the mango fruit, which are sweet to taste and completely palatable, are compared to the transcendental loving service of Godhead. As such, this fruit is tasted by the pure devotees of Sri Krsna, who are compared to the parrots who are always delivering sweet sounds. Dry philosophical speculation is the only gain of the unfortunate jnani empiric philosopher, and the juicy nectarean taste of the loving service of Godhead is the drink of the fortunate devotees.\n\nThus Lord Caitanya and Ramananda Raya again passed the whole night in the transcendental joy of talking about Sri Krsna and His pastimes. Sometimes they wept and sometimes they danced while absorbed in ecstatic trance, and in this way the night came to an end. In the morning, both Ramananda and Lord Caitanya parted to attend to their respective duties, and in the evening they again met together as on the previous night."