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741122 - Letter to Krsnakatha written from Bombay

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Letter to Krsnakatha Das

Hare Krishna Land,
Gandhi Gram Road,
Bombay, 400 054,

Sriman Krsnakatha Das Adhikary,
ISKCON, 187 Gerrard Street,
East Toronto 225,
Ontario, Canada.

My Dear Krsnakatha Das,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 30th, 1974 and have noted the contents. So far I know the paintings are coming out nicely from the press so if you like you can remain with your wife in Montreal. You can also paint like Deva-huti does by the instructions of the press managers.

There is no hindrance of your being a householder so far as distributing books are concerned. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had many householder disciples who would preach Krishna Consciousness. I understand recently in Toronto the entire temple distributed many "Isopanisads" and other books. So you can engage your self in spare times [handwritten] in this book distribution without any hindrance. Side by side you can also paint pictures for Krishna. In this way fully engage yourself in Krishna's service. That is what I want. Nothing else.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,