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BG 18.45 (1972)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


स्वे स्वे कर्मण्यभिरतः संसिद्धिं लभते नरः ।
स्वकर्मनिरतः सिद्धिं यथा विन्दति तच्छृणु ॥४५॥
sve sve karmaṇy abhirataḥ
saṁsiddhiṁ labhate naraḥ
sva-karma-nirataḥ siddhiṁ
yathā vindati tac chṛṇu


sve—own; sve—own; karmaṇi—in work; abhirataḥ—following; saṁsiddhim—perfection; labhate—achieves; naraḥ—a man; svakarma—by his own duty; nirataḥ—engaged; siddhim—perfection; yathā—as; vindati—attains; tat—that; śṛṇu—listen.


By following his qualities of work, every man can become perfect. Now please hear from Me how this can be done.