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SB 11.7.63

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


dṛṣṭvā tān lubdhakaḥ kaścid
yadṛcchāto vane-caraḥ
jagṛhe jālam ātatya
carataḥ svālayāntike


dṛṣṭvā—seeing; tān—them, the young birds; lubdhakaḥ—hunter; kaścit—a certain; yadṛcchātaḥ—at random; vane—in the forest; caraḥ—passing; jagṛhe—he seized; jālam—his net; ātatya—having spread out; carataḥ—who were moving about; sva-ālaya-antike—in the vicinity of their own home.


At that time a certain hunter who happened to be wandering through the forest saw the young pigeons moving about near their nest. Spreading out his net he captured them all.

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