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750702 - Letter to Prabhus from Brahmananda

July 2, 1975

MEMO: To all GBC’s and Temple Presidents

From: Brahmananda

My dear Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. Resulting from two morning walk conversations and one Srimad Bhagavatam class lecture Srila Prabhupada has asked me to issue a letter to “inform them of my desire’. The subject matter is separate cooking amongst householders who live both within the temple and also within the vicinity of the temple.

Srila Prabhupada no longer wants separate cooking to go on – we are trying through bhakti yoga to curb down sense gratification the process is to control the tongue first and that is done by taking prasadam. Because of the tendency for sense gratification, cooking separately, even though it may be offered on a house hold altar it encourages the tendency to prepare for one’s own taste. Furthermore, separate cooking and separate taking of foodstuffs leads to independence that is not conducive for progress in Krsna consciousness, and will lead us back to material life.

On this morning’s walk, one brahmachary devotee asked Prabhupada, “Why is it that even within our society, there is a tendency amongst us not to want to follow all of the devotional practices, as they should be done?” Prabhupada explained that this reluctance is due to past bad habits, and these past bad habits can be surmounted simply by associating with other devotees. He thus spoke against separate cooking, because it precludes a very important devotional activity which is taking of prasadam in the association with other devotees. Prabhupada asked “Why do you invite the public to your Sunday love feast?” We want them to associate with us by taking prasadam, but if we do not do it ourselves then it becomes a farce. Prabhupada further stated that the reason that we have purchased housing apartments in Los Angeles is so that our householders can live just near the temple so that they can attend the temple functions, especially the prasadam taking.” If they do not take prasadam in the temples, Prabhupada said they might as well live in a distant place.

Bhakti-yoga is meant to purify us so that we can associate with Krsna and go back home, back to Godhead. Taking only the prasadam that has been offered to the temple Deity & sitting in association with assembled devotees helps us immeasurably to become purified. If we forget that the goal is purification then all the obstacles which we meet in trying to apply the devotional rules & regulations such as this taking of prasadam will be very formidable .It may not be possible to institute this policy in every temple all of a sudden; Prabhupada asked, “How is it that hotels can arrange in such a way that everyone takes to his satisfaction?” Temple prasadam for all should be so tasty that everyone will prefer to take it than cook privately. This is a matter of management, unfortunately, you do not know how to manage.” Prabhupada said, “but somehow or other we have to manage it.” Prabhupada further explained that only for those who are very advanced, can they eat prasadam regardless of the taste, but in our stage prasadam is enjoyed because it is palatable. Jagannatha Puri is an example of one temple where their prasadam is so palatable that thousands of people come and even pay for it. Also in the Jagannatha Puri temple the pilgrims who come there do not cook separately.

All housewives who in many cases are the best cooks in the movement, should cook in the temple kitchen for the Deity. Also a proper place for taking prasadam has to be arranged in the temple. Prabhupada remarked that in Bengal there are families consisting of 500 family members who all take prasadam together.

One boy remarked that he required to take mostly fruits, rather than grains, Prabhupada said, “that is all right if there is some special consideration, but the fruits can be offered to the Deity in the temple.”

Prabhupada said that the cost for the foodstuffs can be met by using the money that is now being given to householders as salaries. In other words, householders are getting salaries & they are using part of that money for buying foodstuffs, so the money that they are using for buying the foodstuffs should be withheld & used for purchase of prasadam for all temple members, and since householders will not get salaries for food then the temples should no longer charge fees for prasadam. The best way to introduce what Prabhupada wants, that is, to discourage private cooking & to encourage the taking of the temple prasadam, is to see that in all temples the prasadam is prepared in a way that is tasty, of good nutritional value, of nice variety, & in a nice environment for being taken. Sannyasi’s also should not encourage private cooking, by having householders cook for them privately.

So, we all have to organize in such a way that everyone can take prasadam in the temple. Also, Maha prasadam should be distributed amongst all members. But this program will only work if the “general prasadam” is first class. And because we’re cooking for Krsna, then it must be that way.

Also, Prabhupada has recommended that women who have babies, that are still in the diaper stage that is up to 10 months of age, are recommended not to participate in the cooking or the Deity worship. The reason for this is that by touching the baby, they become unclean. Infants means dirtiness. However, a mother can participate in these temple activities if she can make an arrangement whereby her infant is cared for, but she must come to the temple & cook or do Deity worship having taken bath & wearing clean cloth. The moment she touches her infant, she is considered to be in an unclean state and so is her cloth. Also, Prabhupada recommended that not excessive spices should be used in our preparations; he also did not like the use of mustard. He said, “a little cumin, a little turmeric,” like that.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your servant,

Brahmananda Swami/ G.B.C. Secretary

1400 Cherry Street, Denver, Colorado 80220

(303) 333-5461