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CC Adi 14.70

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


ei-mata līlā kari’ duṅhe gelā ghare
gambhīra caitanya-līlā ke bujhite pāre


ei-mata — in this way; līlā — pastimes; kari’ — executing; duṅhe — both of them; gelā — returned; ghare — home; gambhīra — very grave; caitanya-līlā — the pastimes of Lord Caitanya; ke — who; bujhite — to understand; pāre — is able.


After thus expressing their feelings to each other, Lord Caitanya and Lakṣmī returned home. Who can understand the grave pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu?